Grupo Nacional IABMAS Chile
Marcelo Marquez, President
Matías Valenzuela, Vice-President
Fernando Cerda, Web Master
Oscar Unanue, Secretary
Dan Frangopol, Honorary President
Año de Conformación: 2017
En octubre de 2017, se realizó el Segundo Congreso Internacional de Puentes – Diseño, Construcción y Mantenimiento (CIPC 2017) Santiago, Chile, entre el 18 al 20 de octubre de 2017. En la oportunidad se creó el grupo nacional IABMAS -Chile. En la reunión inaugural estuvo presente el Prof. Dan Frangopol. Durante este evento fue invitado a ser Presidente Honorario de nuestro Grupo Nacional.
[In October 2017, at the Second International Bridge Congress – Design, Construction and Maintenance (CIPC 2017) Santiago, Chile, October 18-20, 2017, when the IABMAS -Chile national group was created and Prof. Dan Frangopol was present at the opening ceremony. During this event he was invited to be the Honorary President of our National Group.]
Participaciones en Congresos IABMAS:
IABMAS 2020 M.A. Valenzuela & H. Pinto, M. Marquez, J.L. Seguel «State of the Art of Chilean bridge collapse. Proposal of Actions in Chilean Bridge Engineering»
M.A. Marquez, M.A. Valenzuela, L. Acuña & P.Valenzuela «Proposed Bridge Management System and Quality Control Plan in Chile»
M.A. Márquez, N. Trotin, O.R. RamosM.A. Valenzuela, «Diagnostic Study of Yelcho Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on Chilean Maintenance Program»
M.A. Márquez, R. Cabezas, F. Espinoza & L. Acuña, M.A. Valenzuela, F. Rodrigues & H. Pinto, «Management Program on Monitoring Chilean Bridges during Operational Stage»
M.A. Valenzuela, N. Valenzuela, P. Moraga, R. Romo, F. Pineda, M. Marquez (2018) Management of Risk Disasters: Application in Aysen and Valparaiso, Chile. IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
M.A. Valenzuela, N. Valenzuela, A. Peña-Fritz, R. Romo. (2018) Management System for Natural Risk Disaster on Infrastructure: A Regional Approach. IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
N. Valenzuela, M.A. Valenzuela, A. Peña-Fritz, D. Torres, M. Marquez. (2018) UAV: First Chilean Proposal of use on Road Bridge Inspections. IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
M. Márquez; M.A. Valenzuela; G. Arias & M. Pertierra; C. Sepulveda (2018) Management Systems for Inspection and Maintenance of Chilean Road
Bridges IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
Marcelo Marquez, J. Campusano, F. Hernández, J. Errazuriz, MA. Valenzuela (2018)
Maintenance Plan Proposal on Cable- Stayed Bridge: Application to Yelcho Bridge IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
Marcelo Marquez, M.A. Valenzuela, H. Pinto (2018) Strengthened Chilean bridges using carbon fiber: State of Knowledge. IABMAS, Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-73045-8, Melbourne, Australia
Marquez, M., Valenzuela M.A. Espinoza J., Campusano J. (2016) Proposal Maintenance Plan on Cable Supported Bridges. Chilean experience and future challenges, IABMAS, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Figueroa, P & Valenzuela M.A. (2016) First Proposals for the Application of Structural Redundancy in Traditional Chilean Bridges, IABMAS, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Valenzuela, M.A & Riquelme L (2016) Seismic Analysis of Abutments on Bridges Strengthened by the Method of Tied-arch, IABMAS, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Laigaard, J, Jensen, L, Langlois, A. & Valenzuela, M.A (2016) O&M Strategy for the Chacao Bridge, IABMAS, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Entidades asociadas:
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso – Escuela Ingeniería en Construcción y Transporte
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